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Here are some community and real estate resources that may be useful for you.  If you know of any others, I'd love to hear from you!

> Here's a summary of information about carbon monoxide detectors--where to put them, when to replace them, and things to consider when choosing which type to buy.  

> When you think about buying a home, it's wise to plan ahead for capital expenses--the big-ticket items that may only need repair or replacement once in a decade or so.  The National Association of Homebuilders created this handy visual guide to the lifespan of various systems in a home.  With it you can gauge the age of your current systems, estimate when you might incur thaat expense, and save up your reserves accordingly.

> Thinking of cutting some trees on your land?  My Land Plan, a web site sponsored by the American Forest Foundation, features a comprehensive guide on how to go about selling your timber.  For New Hampshire-specific information, you will also want to take a look at the UNH Cooperative Extension's Guide To New Hampshire Timber Harvesting Laws, which is also quite comprehensive.

> Property Taxes in New Hampshire.  Want to compare the tax burden of different towns?  The Department of Revenue Administration has a list of the most recent tax rates for all municipalities, as well as historical rates back to 2009. 

     And if you're confused by New Hampshire property taxes, here's a detailed article that explains it all: Property Tax: Understanding the Math, Dispelling the Myths. 

> New Hampshire Environmental Health Guide.  The NH Department of Environmental Services has compiled a comprehensive list of links to state resources regarding all sorts of environmental health issues, from air quality (radon, wildfires, etc.) to residential environments (meth labs, garbage and composting, dry cleaning, etc.) and many more.  It's a great starting point for any concerns you have in that regard.  

> PFAS Chemicals.  And speaking of contamination, a recent issue that is being address are Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).  The state Department of Environmental Services has set up a web site that details the health impacts of these contaminants, highlights sources of the contamination and response areas within the state, describes funding opportunities for treatment, and a great deal more information.  There is also a quick-reference fact sheet available.

> has put together a great site offering Resources for Aging Adults in New Hampshire.  If you scroll to the bottom of their main site, you'll find a similar guide for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

> ADU?  Considering adding an Accessory Dwelling Unit to your home?  The Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission has a page devoted to the subject, including a link to a recording of SNHPC's AARP Sponsored Webinar, How-to-do an ADU: A Virtual Workshop on Creating an Accessory Dwelling Unit in Your Own Home. Recorded December 14th, 2021.

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