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"Show Winter Some Love"

Thank you to everyone who submitted photos! It was wonderful seeing your takes on winter and all the beautiful images!

Judges include:
And the winners are...

Laurie LaPorte
Taken with an Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III
For more of her work visit laurielaporte.com
Beautiful sunrise, silhouetted evergreen, and drifting snow. A quiet winter moment with some subtle movement. Nicely done.
The lone tree back lit by the sunset….or is it the sunrise, brings dynamic color to an otherwise drab winter landscape and in tandem with the ground level fog capturing and amplifying the light a common winter view is transformed. The fine granular texture in the snow and cool blues in the sky enhance the fiery oranges of the sun. The ambiguity of time of day, dawn or dusk, adds to the power of this image and reflects the mastery of craft of the photographer

Black & White:
Kiera Reese
Taken with a Holga pinhole camera
For more of her work visit kierareese.com
The dreamy aspect of this image made with a pinhole camera perfectly captures the solitude of the winter landscape in its frigid glory. The snow in the foreground provides the perfect bit of tension to the otherwise symmetrical vista of the mountains and their reflections the lake. Given the lack of a viewfinder on the pinhole camera I commend the photographer’s skill in a beautifully framed vista
It is always nice to see alternative processes, such as a pinhole camera, at use. The soft vignette provides a dreamy feel to this.
The judges also made special note of these (in no particular order):

Kristi Hunter
This photo screams winter! The lone hiker on the ridge, the trees shrouded in snow, the haze over the sun and the bed of clouds masking the valley come together to create the classic winter vista. Kudos to the photographer’s fortitude in being there to bring the mountain top to us.
The atmosphere of this image intrigues me. I particularly like how the car headlights illuminate the lone figure in the center and the rest of the image acts as a natural vignette to draw your eye in.
This is a classic depiction of winter evening in the city with the snow squall illuminated by the cars’ headlights and the lone figure slogging through the slush. It is a universal experience for denizens of the New England city streets. The red lights in the background contrast with he cyan tint of the snow and beautifully convey the chill of this scene.

Brad Miller

Laurie LaPorte
The snow having replaced the glory of the summer flower head on these Queen Anne’s Lace is the perfect foil for the beauty of summer persisting in the snowy landscape. In capturing the latent beauty of these lingering vestiges of summer we see the acuity of this photographer’s vision.
Lovely composition in its simplicity, and, as a black and white image, a pleasing range of tones from white (highlights) to gray (mid-tones), to black (shadows).
The composition of this photo could not be more perfect. The branches of the bush not only completely frame the titmouse but the peak of the branches perfectly mimic the the form. This was a fleeting moment that the photographer was quick to recognize and capture. The muted grays of the bird and the out of background are beautifully punctuated by the tiny touch rust feathers under his wing.
Nice framing of the branches around the songbird and the ice on the branches around and below it. The subtle color also lends itself well to this image.

Sharon Ramer

Kiera Reese
Beautiful and worthy of mention. I especially like the sepia tone in this photograph which adds to its intrigue.
I really like this photograph. Its whimsy makes me believe the Last Unicorn might live in this forest, surrounded by faeries. The glowing orbs also make me think Taylor Swift might be draped in a cape, casting spells with others, and singing "Willow" in somewhere in the background.

Judy Arnold

Laurie LaPorte
Nice use of color, movement, and pure joy!

Sharon Ramer
The classic “Rule of Thirds”. The diagonal lines splitting the frame into four to five sections provides further interest and depth. And again, beautiful range of tones.
This is the classic New Hampshire mountain vista with the forests in the foreground leading the eye to the snowy peaks. The texture created by the alternating bands of snow-covered bare branches and the evergreens is a perfect contrast to the altocumulus clouds occupying the sky. More snow on the way!
Everything about this photograph brings one home on a cold, snowy evening; the long winding driveway through the darker part of the image, to the illuminated front door and windows.

Lisa Adler

Brad Miller
A striking image balancing the weight and darkness of the buildings with the intensity and surprising color created by the street lamps, with the central figure as a pivot point.
See slideshows of all the entries...

Black and white: